Wearing Your Elastics
Elastics are small rubber bands that you hook to your braces to supply the pressure needed to move teeth and jaws into their correct position.
- You are responsible for wearing your elastics as instructed. Full time wear means they are always in your mouth and only removed to eat, and when brushing and flossing. Please remember to put them back on immediately. Forgetting to wear your elastics will prolong your treatment.
- Always carry spare elastics with you, so if one breaks or is lost, you can replace it right away. If your supply is low, call the office to arrange to pick up some more, or if necessary, we can mail you some.
- If you happen to forget to insert your elastics one day, don’t double up the next time. Simply follow your regular instructions. Elastics are used to apply moderate constant forces. Adding an additional elastic will not speed up movement and may cause discomfort
- Elastics lose their elasticity/stretch. After a period of time and when exposed to to the moisture in your mouth, elastics no longer provide the proper pressure on your teeth and jaws. Thus, it is very important to change them several times durring the day, even when they are not broken.
- If you have any problems (eg. elastics breaking frequently, a wire or band loosening, or a hook breaking off) call the office immediately. Don’t wait until your next scheduled appointment. These problems need to be corrected as soon as possible to help keep your treatment on schedule.

Things you may notice
- The initial period of wearing elastics may cause your teeth to be sore at first. That is because the newly applied pressure is moving your teeth, which is our goal. With consistent wear, the tenderness usually lasts only a few days. Cycling between wearing and not wearing the elastics will only prolong the periods of discomfort.
- After the first several days of elastic wear, you will likely not notice the pressure anymore and wearing them can become routine
- Inconsistent wear will not result in desired tooth movements, thus prolonging treatment.
Remember, wearing your elastics consistently and as instructed, and keeping appointments is the quickest, easiest way to achieve our goal — a healthy, beautiful smile.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Book a Consultation
Get started today by calling us at (604) 474-1141, or by booking a consultation.
During your initial consultation, we will understand your situation, perform a visual examination of your bite, recommend a treatment plan and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Innova Orthodontics
10:00am – 6:00pm
8:30am – 5:00pm
8:30am – 5:00pm
7:30am – 3:00pm